Friday, December 30, 2016

GPS Is a Journey
The GPS Life Journey is not merely a book, a conference, a seminar or a course. It is a journey ... a process, which helps you discover and engage in God’s special purpose for your life. Your participation in the GPS Life Journey will help you…
  • Understand how God has uniquely created and gifted you
  • Discover His special purpose for your life
  • Engage in fulfilling that purpose
  • Serve others using your God-given profile
  • Have a sense of significance in your life
  • Make a difference in the world
  • Leave a legacy of impact for others
- Nolen Rollins

Friday, December 23, 2016

Welcome to the GPS Life Journey! Do you believe that God has a specific plan for your life? Do you believe that God has created you with unique gifts and abilities that He wants you to use? Do you believe that God wants you to make a difference in the world? Do you believe that God has a specific purpose that He wants you to understand and to fulfill in your life?

God Has a Job for You!
Hopefully your answer to all the above questions was yes. I believe that God has a special purpose for each of us for which we have been uniquely equipped. We learn this in the Bible in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Most followers of Jesus Christ are familiar with Ephesians 2:8–9, where Paul declares we receive the salvation of God by grace through faith. Yet most followers of Christ are not familiar with Ephesians 2:10, which tells us, “We are the workmanship of Jesus Christ, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We are created to carry out these good works that God prepared for us, even before we were born! - Nolen Rollins

Friday, December 16, 2016

"The opposite of wasting your life is to live by a single, soulsatisfying passion for the supremacy of God in all things....You don't have to know a lot of things for your life to make a lasting difference in the world. But you do have to know the few great things that matter, perhaps just one, and then be willing to live for them and die for them.” (John Piper)

Friday, December 9, 2016

Finding the right ministry venue for carrying out your mission is imperative. No matter how long it takes and how difficult it may be, it is worth the effort to find the shoe that fits.

Friday, December 2, 2016

"I had a lot of trouble figuring out the answer to one key question: Was there really a place where I could make a big difference on God's team? Was there a role I could play with my skills that would change my world and create a lasting legacy?" (Lloyd Reeb)

Friday, November 25, 2016

“I have often been asked what sacrifices I have made in my life to fulfill my mission. What I've had to give up is  hours  of  doing  my  own  thing.”  Bob Buford

Friday, November 18, 2016

“For  everything  there  is a season, and a time  for  every  matter  under  heaven  ...”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Friday, November 11, 2016

"Creating margin is a very simple but difficult task ... cutting out the things that you consider to be low value ... often means cutting out what is good to make room for the best.”   (Lloyd Reeb)

Friday, November 4, 2016

To successfully engage in God's purposes for your life you must create margin.  
1. Time margin is achieved by analyzing how you spend your time and making adjustments so you can engage in your mission.
2. Financial margin is achieved by analyzing how you spend money and making adjustments that ensemble you to financially engage in your mission.
3. Sprirtual margin is achieved when you engage in your mission out of a spiritual overflow.
"What you really believe and value, you do.  Everything else is just religious rhetoric."
(Henry Blackaby)

Friday, October 28, 2016

Guidelines for Developing Personal Core Values
1. Your core values are the most important beliefs that you hold.
These are the things that you value most. They demonstrate the
core or center of what you believe.
2. Your core values direct your behavior. You behave a certain way
because you believe certain things.
3. Your core values help you make right decisions. You decide to do
or not do certain things based on your values.
4. Your core values are in line with your mission and vision and
guide you on your journey of the accomplishment of such.
5. Like your mission and vision, your core values should be
consistent with scripture.
6. The number of values should be small enough to indicate
importance and significance.
7. Your core values should be ranked in priority order of
importance. This helps you make decisions when core values
may come into conflict with each other.
8. Try to state your core values in one or two words followed by
statements of explanation. For example, Integrity: I am what I
claim to be and do what I say I will do.

Friday, October 21, 2016

"Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality."  (Warren Bennis)

Friday, October 14, 2016

It is not necessary to include measurements in your vision statements. When you develop your next step goals in an upcoming session you will have specific, dated, measurable goals for your mission and vision.  Remember, your vision is ever increasing as you accomplish these goals.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Guidelines for Developing Your Vision
(From Your Mission Statement)

1. Your vision is where you are going. It is where you need to go

to fulfill your mission. It describes what the future will look

like when you accomplish your mission.

2. Vision is a clear, vivid description of your preferred future.

Actually, it is a picture of God’s preferred future for you.

3. While your mission normally stays the same with minor

adjustments for a longer period of time, your vision is ever

changing as you move forward.

4. Your vision is usually a series of descriptive bullet points or

statements, rather than one long narrative.

5. Like your mission, your vision should be God-given and

inspired. It is not a description of your ambition and wishes.

6. Your vision should be consistent with scripture. It must not

conflict with the principles of God’s Word.

7. Vision statements (bullet points) need to be specific and clear.

8. Your vision should describe the accomplishment of your Godgiven

mission statement.

9. You should be very passionate about your vision. It should

bring great excitement and a sense of anticipation into your


Friday, September 30, 2016

"Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be fueled by the conviction that it should be. Vision is a preferred future."
(Andy Stanley)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Discipline of Showing Respect
Being respectful of others does not come naturally. It is something that has to be taught.  It was the Reverend Billy Graham who said, “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.”  In this regard I was fortunate to have been taught respect in my childhood.  I remember on one occasion when I was protesting to my father about something my mother wanted me to do.  In my frustration  I referred to her as “she.” He made it crystal clear, right there and then, that I was never to refer to her as “she” but only as “mom” or “mother.”  Throughout my childhood, he insisted that I open the car door for her, never precede her into a room and never begin eating until mom had raised her fork. His training really did teach me to be respectful of others.

Attitudes of respect that we fail to learn growing up at home come more harshly when we enter the real world.  For some of us respect was taught to us by a teacher or coach, some learn it in the military and some from their first boss.  No matter the teacher, respect has to be learned.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Peter Drucker suggested that two very important questions to answer
in seeking to discover your God-given mission are:
1. What have you achieved in the past? What are you really good at?
2. What do you care deeply about? What are you passionate about?

Friday, September 16, 2016

Nine questions to ask yourself concerning your passions.  Here are the final three.
7. Do you have a God-given vision about doing something for the Kingdom of God or for others in the future? If so, what is the vision?
8. Describe your "ideal life."  What would it look like?
9. What kind of things do you hate doing, things that drain you?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Nine questions to ask yourself concerning your passions.  Here are the next three.
4. When you are dreaming about the future and what you would like to "do someday" what is that dream?
5. What things have you done in the past that really excited you?
6. What things have you done in the past that you excelled at?

Friday, September 2, 2016

Nine questions to ask yourself concerning your passions.  Here are the first three.
1. If you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?
2. What are the things that really should be done to improve life?
3. What are the things that you feel compelled to do or see done?

Friday, August 26, 2016

Examples of Mission Statements:
"I exist to glorify God by pointing individuals encountered in
my profession and daily life God-ward through my lifestyle
and influence."
"My mission is to glorify God by helping people with
disabilities to experience a meaningful life by joyfully
meeting their needs."

Friday, August 19, 2016


I was sitting with a prominent lawyer some time ago in a life journey coaching session. At the beginning of the session I gave my friend a blank piece of paper and asked him to draw on it a tombstone. Then I instructed him to write his name at the top just as it might appear at his death. To continue with this morbid thinking, I asked him to put his birth date on the bottom of the tombstone and the date of his death as the day following our meeting. 

All this was to make the point of my final instruction to him. “Now, put in the middle what you think the people closest to you will remember you for.” His immediate response was, “Ouch!”

How about you? What would your tombstone say if you were to die tomorrow?

The Psalmist assures us that “You have made my days a few handbreaths, and my lifetime is as nothing before you. Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath! Surely a man goes about as a shadow!” (Psalm 39:5-6a)

Scripture repeatedly declares to us that life here on earth is short. Life here on earth is not what life is all about. Life is about eternity. Here is merely preparation for there. If we live as if it is all about here we miss the rewards intended for us there.

The Psalmist continues in the second part of verse 39:6, “Man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather.” One thing for sure – we will not take it with us.

Yet, there is another thing we can know for sure – we can send it on ahead of us. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth … but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven … for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-22)

How do we lay up treasures in heaven? Where is this First National Bank of Heaven? Why there are branches all around us.

Why I should I hold more than I need to live a modest life for a short time here on earth? Why should I not be a wise investor in the Kingdom of Heaven?

As you pray today, ask God, ‘In which branch of the First National Bank of Heaven do You want me to invest?” Be careful … He will answer your prayer!

Nolen Rollins

Friday, August 12, 2016

Guidelines for Developing a Good Mission Statement
1. Your mission is your basic life purpose. It is why you exist. It is
the main thing you must do in life.
2. Your mission should come from God, that is, it is revealed not
dreamed up. Your mission is not something you wish to do, but
something that God has for you to do.
3. Your mission should be consistent with scripture.  God’s
purpose for your life will never conflict with the principles of
the Word of God.
4. Your mission is usually a reflection of your greatest passions in
life. It is God who placed those passions or burdens in your
5. Your mission is not a general statement of your life philosophy,
that is, what you really believe about how life should work. It is
a reflection of your philosophy, but is more specific and
6. Good mission statements usually start by either of these
phrases: "My mission is..." or "I exist to..."
7. Your mission is specific enough to answer these kind of
What main thing am I going to do? (action words)
Who is the target audience for what I am to do?
What is the desired end result of what I am to do?

Friday, August 5, 2016

“For I know the plans I have for
you, declares the Lord, plans for
welfare and not for evil, to give
you a future and a hope.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Friday, July 29, 2016

We have talked extensively about the fact that God
has a purpose, a mission, for everyone. You are here
on this earth, and not in heaven, because God desires
to be glorified through your life as you fulfill His
mission for your life. Do you know what that mission
is? Are you actively engaged in pursuing that
mission? The GPS Life Journey will assist you in

discovering that mission and propel you on your life 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey Experiences Assessment. 
Answering the following questions will help you identify life experiences that can be used effectively in future ministry.
1. What are the educational experiences you have had? Include school, special training, and apprenticeships?
2. What are the vocational experiences you have had? Include fields of experience, types of work, and jobs?
3. What are the ministry experiences you have had? Include positions, roles, and types of ministries?
4. What are the cross-­‐cultural experiences you have had? Include relationships and missions experiences?
5. What are the painful experiences of life you have had, such as health issues, broken relationships, and financial problems?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey's Greatest Passions Evaluation
In the following list, check all the causes for which you have great passion. Then choose the top five to ten and number them in priority order.
__ Addiction __ Business Seminars/Training __ Child Abuse __ Children __ Christian Education
__ Church Planting __ Crime Prevention __ Cross Cultural Environments __ Discipleship __ Distribution of Scriptures __ Domestic Abuse __ Education __ Entertainment Industry __ Environmental Issues __ Ethical Issues  __ Evangelism __ Financial Counseling/Training __ Fund Raising __ Government/Politicians __ Handicapped __ Health and Sanitation __ High/Middle School Students __ Homelessness __ Human Trafficking __ Hunger __ Immigrants/Migrants __ Inner City Ministry __ Local Benevolence __ Marriage and Family __ Medical __ Mobilizing People __ Orphans
__ Preschoolers __ Prisoners __ Poverty __ Singles __ Training Church Leaders __ University Students __ Worship __ Seniors/Widows/Shut-­Ins __ World Missions __ Young Adults __ Other __

Friday, July 8, 2016

“Opportunity Cost” is a two words phrase.  So far, we have been focusing on “cost,” now let us consider the “opportunity.”  The opportunity available to every Christian is to discover and engage in God’s purposes for their lives.  Every one of us was created with a destiny in mind.  We know from Ephesians 2:10 that God made plans for us even before we were born.

Listen.  Here that tapping on the front door of your soul?  That is God’s opportunity and He wants you to open the door.  Yes, there are costs and they may be uncomfortable for a time, but the immeasurable satisfaction of discovering and engaging in what you were put on this earth to do will make it all worth it.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey Abilities Inventory
From the list of abilities and skills below, choose the top five to ten things that you enjoy and/or are good at doing. Then, number in priority order each of the abilities chosen.

___ Advertising ___ Analyzing ___ Building ___ Coaching ___ Coordinating ___ Counseling
___ Creating ___ Decorating ___ Defending ___ Delegating ___ Designing ___ Encouraging
___ Enlisting ___ Equipping ___ Evaluating ___ Fixing ___ Implementing ___ Improving
___ Influencing ___ Leading ___ Maintaining ___ Managing ___ Marketing ___ Mentoring
___ Operating ___ Organizing ___ Perfecting ___ Performing ___ Persuading ___ Planning
___ Pioneering ___ Recruiting ___ Repairing ___ Researching ___ Restoring ___ Selling
___ Serving ___ Socializing ___ Speaking ___ Starting ___ Strategizing ___ Teaching
___ Training ___ Tutoring ___ Writing ___Other_____

Friday, June 24, 2016

To discovering and understanding your strengths and abilities ask yourself three questions.

  1. What things do you do well naturally, that you have a natural aptitude for, things that are very easy for you?
  2. What things are you able to do well because of special training, education, and/or practice?
  3. What things in the lists above do you also really enjoy doing and you receive a sense of fulfillment in doing?

Friday, June 17, 2016

Got Clarity?
In a recent survey of 3500 professionals by Michael Hyatt, the biggest challenges people face are not having enough time (52%), money (37%), or clarity (37%) to accomplish what they want in life.
The results of this survey gave me great encouragement concerning the GPS Life Journey. The GPS Life Journey gives people clarity concerning their God-given purposes in life. After participating in the GPS Life Journey, even people who may have already had a sense of direction concerning their life purposes state that they gained greater clarity concerning God’s plan for their lives.
The GPS Life Journey is all about clarity…
·       Clarity of who identity - who am I and how has God  designed me.
·       Clarity of purpose - what is God’s purpose for the next stage of my life.
·       Clarity of strategy - what things do I need to do next to fulfill my God-given purpose.
·       Clarity of stewardship – how can I use my god-given resources of finances and time to better accomplish God’s plan for my life.
·       Clarity of spirituality – in what areas of my spiritual life do I need growth to increase my spiritual capacity.
The GPS Life Journey is designed to slay your challenge dragons. Do you want to accomplish what you want in life? Overcome life’s challenges with greater clarity.
                     - Nolen Rollins, author of the GPS Life Journey

Friday, June 10, 2016

You are a Work of Art

It was Michelangelo who said, “The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.”  While perfection for us is unattainable, we can discover our “work of art,” the mission for our life.  The experience of most is that this is one of life’s greatest rewards.  Once we understand our design and engage with others who understand theirs, we will be a great force for good. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

A Mission from God?
In the movie “The Blues Brothers,” Dan Akroyd deadpans: “We’re on a mission from God.” He and his partner are in the process of putting their band back together and are enlisting an old band mate. Akroyd's character flatly insists that the divine origin of their project is sufficient warrant for the man to rejoin the band.  As people who are seeking to find the significant thing that we were destined to do, we really are on our own “mission for God.”

Friday, May 27, 2016

Out of the Mouths of Babes
When my son was three years old, he loved to build things with wooden blocks.  One day, on observing one of his creations, I complemented him on his architecture.  He responded by saying, “One day I want to build building with my name on it so people will have something to remember me by.”  After I picked myself off the floor, I marveled how a three year old could have such a sense of destiny and legacy since we never discussed such topics.  (Oh, wait a minute…no, that was quantum physics not destiny and legacy!)   Interestingly, Jonathan’s career has not included building architecture, but instead, human architecture.  He serves on the pastoral staff of a large San Francisco church.
Reflecting on that unusual conversation, I understood that what we will do in life and how we will be remembered is something that is deep within our DNA.  Life drives us to want to do something that is truly significant for others.

Friday, May 20, 2016

What special abilities do you posses?  
Abilities include both natural talents/aptitudes that you may have and special skills or knowledge you may have acquired. An example of a natural talent is playing the piano by ear. An example of a special skill is playing the piano by reading the notes.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Descriptions of the Four Basic Personality Types

Dominance (D)
Common Characteristics:

 I am action-oriented. I like to be in motion.
 I make quick decisions. I analyze data quickly and decide.
 I like a challenge. I can solve difficult problems.
 I am forceful and strong-willed. I push my agenda.
 I lead others to get the job done. I am a good team leader.
 I am very competitive. There is a goal for everything.
 I can take the heat. I do not mind conflict.

Environment Needed:
 I like direct answers, bottom-line information. Get to the point.
 I flourish with a wide range of responsibilities and multiple tasks.
 I need authority to function and to take action.
 Controls and restrictions slow me down and hinder progress.
 Challenges and changes motivate me.
 I am task oriented so I need to work with “people” persons.
 I need to pace myself and relax more.

Influence (I)
Common Characteristics:

 I am enthusiastic and energetic. I am full of life.
 I love fun and laughter. I am a party person.
 I have good ideas. I am creative and innovative.
 I can influence, inspire and motivate others to action.
 I like to talk. I love to express my thoughts.
 I want to work with others, not alone.
 I am spontaneous and impulsive. I make quick decisions.

Environment Needed:
 I appreciate public recognition of ability. I like the spotlight.
 I want freedom of expression. I dislike having to follow a pattern.
 I function better with freedom from control and details.
 I need opportunities to talk and express my opinions.
 I love an enthusiastic, fun atmosphere.
 I function better with coaching from “task” persons.
 I need to be held accountable for responsibilities.

Steadiness (S)
Common Characteristics:
 I am warm and relational. I am a “people” person.
 I am a good follower and team player, but am hesitant to lead.
 I do not like a lot of change. I like stability and security.
 I do not like conflict and try to avoid it at all costs.
 I love to serve others and am fulfilled in doing so.
 I am a good listener. I like to have others talk.
 I am a good friend. I am supportive and encouraging.

Environment Needed:
 I need a stable, secure environment.
 I like sincere appreciation expressed privately.
 I like to identify with a group of people.
 I need minimal conflict and strife.
 I function better with standard procedures and processes.
 I need help in accepting changes and new procedures.
 I need encouragement to grow, as I like the status quo.

Conscientiousness (C)
Common Characteristics:
 I am a perfectionist. I want things done right.
 I am focused on being accurate and consistent.
 I seek to do excellent work without mistakes.
 I am not outgoing most of the time. I am “task” oriented.
 I love weighing pros and cons and considering all possibilities.
 I want a deliberate, systematic approach.
 I move slowly and need time to make decisions.

Environment Needed:
 I prefer an organized, businesslike atmosphere.
 I have questions and need answers to my questions.
 I want a controlled environment with proper processes.
 I like opportunities to use my special skills.
 I need performance expectations and standards.
 I like consistent feedback on my performance.
 I need encouragement to be flexible as I am very structured.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Guidelines for Developing Good Relationships and Effective Teamwork
  1. Know who you are. Seek to understand your personality, your strengths and your weaknesses.
  2. Relate to others and lead from your strengths. Do what you are good at doing.
  3. Resist the tendency of functioning in areas of your weaknesses.
  4. Learn the personality types of others with whom you are closely associated.
  5. Relate to and lead others based on the kind of environment they need to be successful.
  6. See the value added by every person. View others in terms of their strengths, not their weaknesses.
  7. Become a champion of everyone’s strengths. Let them function in areas of their strengths.
  8. Avoid the temptation to stereotype others based on their personalities alone.
  9. Understand that different is good, not bad. Everyone should not be like you.
  10. Build a team with a balance of all personality types, as all are needed to function effectively.
  11. Where possible assign responsibilities based on personality and total personal profile.
  12. Be available to complement others’ weaknesses with your strengths or the strengths of other team members.

Friday, April 29, 2016

The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of the GPS Life Journey is to help you discover and fulfill God’s purpose for your life. The GPS Life Journey will lead you through a guided self-examination of your personality, your life experiences, your strengths and skill sets, your spiritual gifts and your passions. The resulting personal profile will help you match who you are and what you do best to an area of ministry and service ideally suited to you.

We want to assist you in finding that perfect role that God has designed for you. The goal is not for you to merely serve in the Kingdom of God to meet some need. The goal is for you to serve in a role that God has uniquely created and shaped you to fill. Serving in that role will impact the Kingdom of God, give you a sense of fulfillment, change the world, and leave a legacy of significance. To serve outside your God-given profile most often leads to frustration and ineffectiveness.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Nothing New Under the Sun

Personality assessments are nothing new. These assessments have been around at least since 400 BC when Hippocrates hypothesized that there were four basic personalities or temperaments of all individuals. While there are numerous combinations or patterns of the characteristics of different personality types, psychologists today still believe these four basic types describe our behaviors.
Most businesspersons and professionals have participated in many personality and behavioral assessments during their professional careers. Yet here is what I have discovered in working with these individuals over the past several years. While they have knowledge of such assessments, most do not understand how this information can impact and affect their behavior in the real world.

Personality assessments are nothing new.

Just recently, Jim, a retired launch director for the NASA Space Program, stated, “I have participated in many relationship and behavioral assessments before, but now, after going through the GPS Life Journey, I understand how all this should change my behavior and how it can help me effectively fulfill God’s purpose for my life.”

Friday, April 15, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey Experiences assessment.
Answering the following questions will help you identify life experiences that can be used effectively in future ministry.
1. What are the educational experiences you have had? Include school, special training, and apprenticeships?
2. What are the vocational experiences you have had? Include fields of experience, types of work, and jobs?
3. What are the ministry experiences you have had? Include positions, roles, and types of ministries?
4. What are the cross-­‐cultural experiences you have had? Include relationships and missions experiences?
5. What are the painful experiences of life you have had, such as health issues, broken relationships, and financial problems?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Discovering Gold!

Before I discovered the fascinating characteristics of different personality types, I was ready to fire some excellent, very effective team members. I was the Staff Coordinator of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia, and had the responsibility for leading several ministry department leaders. Some of them had a serious problem. They were not like me! To be different from me was to be unneeded. I thought everyone should think, act, and function like me. (Now that would be a really sad world!)
These individuals did not march to the beat of my drums. They were not intense. They were not focused. Therefore, they had to be lazy.

Then, “eureka!” I was introduced to the study of personality types. My leadership, and I might add, my level of effectiveness as a leader, have never been the same since. Now, I never attempt to lead, or even serve as a member of a team, without seeking to discover and understand the various personality types of each team member.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Discovering and Understanding My Personality

I am a very focused person. I am intense!
A dear friend of mine who knows me well created a David Letterman “Top Ten List of Things You Should Know about Nolen Rollins.” Item number one was, “Nolen has the ugliest golf swing in the world, but he will take that swing and his focus on winning and beat you.” (Well, at least the first half of this statement is true all the time.)

I do not remember all the items on the list but I do remember points number two, six, and ten. They were all the same. “Nolen is a little intense!” You see my friend, Bill, is a very laid back, slow moving guy. He sees me as extremely intense. He is accurate. That is how God has hard-wired me.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Each of us has a natural, God-given personality. While many of us may be similar, each of us is still very different. Clarice, my wife of over forty years, is the sweetest, warmest, kindest person in the world. She gets great pleasure in serving others. I often tell people, “I am of all men most blessed. My wife has the gift of serving and I have the gift of bossing!” (Bossing is not one of the “spiritual” gifts.)

I have a friend, Charles, who is a very deliberate, disciplined individual. He is consistent and methodical in his approach to life. Another friend, Rodger, is a story teller. You can mention any situation of life and Rodger has an interesting story from his never-ending mental storybook that fits that situation. (Seriously, I think he makes up some of them.)
Each of us has a natural, God-given personality.

Friday, March 25, 2016

GPS Life Journey Story: Risa Baker (Business Owner/Operator)
My husband and I were already seeking to discover what God might have for the next stage of our when providentially we met Nolen Rollins author of the GPS Life Journey.  We started our GPS Life Journey soon thereafter.  That was nearly 2 years ago.
Since then my passion has been to share my GPS Life Journey experience with others.  My mission, to influence and lead others to discover and engage in their life’s purposes, has been evolving ever since. 
God has given me amazing opportunities.  First, I trained and became a GPS Life Journey Facilitator.  Next came the opportunity to teach the first GPS Life Journey Small Group in Atlanta, GA.  It is exciting to help others discover who they are and how God has made them and witness how God is giving abundant opportunities to engage in their passions. 
Just a few weeks ago I traveled to Nigeria and had the opportunity to train students, ministry leaders, and small business owners.  Using The GPS Life Journey as their textbook, they learned how God has uniquely made them and they discovered the individual and unique missions God has for them.  One Nigerian Business owner said to me, “I’m still so amazed at your total commitment to us and the great passion and love with which you taught us during the International Summit which has greatly impacted my life and purpose.”
I feel so privileged to be able to share the GPS Life Journey with others in the US and around the world.  I love the success stories people are sharing.  It’s easy to be passionate about the mission God has given and equipped me to do.  It is such a great blessing to make a difference in other’s lives. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

GPS Life Journey Story: Dr. Joel Miller (Chiropractor)
I wake up every morning thinking about God’s Plan for my Success. It’s what excites me; it’s what motivates me. Prior to attending the GPS Life Journey, my dreams or what I thought I should be doing, were just evasive dreams and desires. Now with His very specific guidance to discover and fulfill His plan for my life, I’m finally equipped with the tools and strategy to do just that.
I always felt a calling to do more for the community I live in, the church and the Kingdom and my profession, but I always felt half empty.  I knew that there was more that I could or should be doing.
The GPS Life Journey showed me specific ways to best use my talents in the way that God designed for me personally. My personality type, strengths, abilities, spiritual gifts, and passions and what I’ve accomplished or experienced so far in my life can now be put to use in His Kingdom.  With the help of my facilitator / coach, I learned how to develop a mission statement and a vision for the next season of my life.
I especially appreciate having a game plan to fulfill God’s purpose for my success.  It makes me feel as though I’m following God more closely and have a deeper relationship with Him.
I’m now creating margin, developing goals and building a plan to reach these goals – God’s way, not mine.
I am indebted to the GPS Life Journey and my GPS coach for leading me to a position of success and significance in my life.

Friday, March 11, 2016

God has a general purpose for everyone.
There are some things according to scripture that are God’s plan for everyone. For example, God desires that everyone should repent and follow Jesus, obey the commands of His Word, and serve others.
     II Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count
     slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should
     perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
     Deuteronomy 4:2, “You shall not add to the word that I command
     you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the
     Lord your God that I command you.”
     I Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
     as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
God has a specific purpose for every Christian.
God has a plan for each of us to bring Him glory while we are here on earth. Certainly fulfilling this purpose includes His general purposes for everyone. But God does not desire that we should do everything. Jesus Christ while here on earth did not attempt to do everything. He did not go around performing every good work that could be done or that might needed to be done.
“The Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.” (John 5:19) God had specific good works for the Son to do while He was here on earth. Jesus knew and fulfilled God the Father’s purpose for His life.

Friday, March 4, 2016

GPS Life Journey Story: Doug Hodge (Retired CFO of Global Corporation)

Life has a way of happening without you ever realizing what’s going on around you until you stop and listen. In 1977 I graduated from the University of Kentucky with an MBA and headed off to work in the financial field for an automotive parts manufacturer. I had conducted business in over 20 countries and managed billions of dollars in revenue.  I was also a mentor to many young people in the corporate financial world.

Thirty-three years later God helped me to reevaluate my life. It is good to stop and listen. It started with hearing Nolen Rollins speak on God’s Plan for Success (GPS) the weekend of July 4, 2010. From there I accepted God’s invitation to pursue a second half to my life and then I spent the next couple months really understanding who Doug Hodge really was.  In the fall of 2010 my wife and I joined a GPS Life Journey Small Group with four other couples and worked through the GPS roadmap together. My current mission statement is to provide training and mentoring for global business owners to enhance their Kingdom building abilities.
I was able to come to this statement by understanding my strengths and weaknesses, my personality, my gifts, my experiences and my abilities (all sessions of the GPS Life Journey). Then it was time to let go and let God help me understand what he desired me to do with the personal profile he had given me. For me this was the time I started to understand that my failures along with my successes, along with countless other experiences, were gifts from God to help me move to his plan for my life.

Working with Kingdom Mobilization I have been able to:

  • Train students and begin working with business owners in Russia.
  • Train teachers, business owners, and ministry participants in India.
  • Train and mentor business owners and ministry participants in Nigeria.
Now, as I get ready to expand efforts whether missions work, education, or work endeavors, I bounce it against my mission statement and if it moves it forward I proceed and if not I stop.  Living life on mission with God is a blast!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Kingdom Mobilization and The GPS Life Journey have gone global. Kingdom Mobilization Movements and GPS Life Journey Small Groups are taking place in Ghana, Nigeria, Canada, India, South Africa, China and Russia. Additionally, we have enlisted mobilization leaders and have begun movements in numerous US cities.

Mission: The sole purpose of Kingdom Mobilization is to help YOU discover and fulfill God’s purposes for the next stage of YOUR life.

Friday, February 19, 2016

God had a plan for you before you were born!
I believe that God has a special purpose for each of us for which we have been uniquely equipped. We learn this in the Bible in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Most followers of Jesus Christ are familiar with Ephesians 2:8-9, where Paul declares we receive the salvation of God by grace through faith. Yet most followers of Christ are not familiar with Ephesians 2:10, which tells us, “We are the workmanship of Jesus Christ, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We are created to carry out these good works that God prepared for us, even before we were born!
You are special! God uniquely shaped you for a special purpose – His purpose for your life. No one is here on earth by accident. Each of us is placed on earth by the providence of an Almighty God, who creates and sustains everyone and everything.
“Well, I’m not so sure I can buy into that,” you may be thinking.
“If God has a purpose for my life, why do I often have a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness?”
Maybe it is because you, like the vast majority of other individuals in the world, have not discovered God’s special purpose for your life.
Some people try to find a sense of significance and fulfillment in doing everything. They volunteer for every opportunity and/or say yes to every request for service. Sadly, they not only still feel unfulfilled, they also feel very tired.- Nolen Rollins

Friday, February 12, 2016

GPS Life Journey Story: Don Gunther (Former Executive of Global Corporation) 

I was fortunate to have a significant level of business success throughout the world.  I spent 40 years with the Bechtel Group, the world's leading engineering and construction firm.  We worked in 120 countries, engineering and building some the most complicated and largest structures that were ever constructed.  In the later stage of my career, the Engineer and, Construction Society awarded me the best executive award for the 1990's.  When I retired
I was Vice Chairman and was responsible for all of our business units around the world.  I thoroughly enjoyed my career with Bechtel.

I tried retirement with the big house and the big boat but soon realized I needed to contribute back more.  With some friends, I got heavily involved with the Naples Wine Festival and we raised over 100 million dollars for the local charities emphasizing help for the abused and abandoned children. In 2009, I also joined the board of the Immokalee Foundation which helps the impoverished migrant children of Immokalee, Florida to improve their education and help them find a suitable career plan and a job.

Although I was contributing my leadership time to my golf club and my community association and to two other non-profits, I still felt something was missing. That's when a friend introduced me to the GPS Life Journey.  It all started with a question to me that asked me if I knew why God put me on this earth. The GPS Journey helped me focus on the skills I had and how I might use them to help others and increase my impact in the world.  It helped me evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and through it, I began to identify where God would like to use me.

Coupled with my commitments to my family, I felt called to accept the Chairmanship of the Immokalee Foundation.  I have been working at this for the past year and I think we have improved the organization focus and are improving the chance of success for about 800 children.

The GPS Life Journey was very significant in my finding and fulfilling my life purpose.

Friday, February 5, 2016

God has a plan for you!
God has a plan for your life! Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV) This word of hope came to the people of God in the midst of their darkest hour – Babylonian captivity after the destruction of their homes and homeland.
Notice at least four very important facts in this scripture.

·        God has a plan for you.
·        God knows His plan for you.
·        God’s plan is for your good, not to harm you.
·        God’s plan for you is to give you hope and a future.

God knows His plan and purpose for your life. Do you? If you do not, I have good news. You can know His purpose for your life. You cannot invent His purpose. You cannot dream up His purpose. You can discover
His purpose as he reveals it to you. God not only knows His Purpose for your life, He wants you to know it and to fulfill it. As a matter of fact, that is why He put you here! - Nolen Rollins

Friday, January 29, 2016

GPS Life Journey Story: Dawn Birch (Professional Singer)

After taking the GPS Life Journey course, it is as though God turned over and reordered the puzzle pieces of my life and showed me who I am. I now have a heightened sense of His Holy Spirit working in the world and I am much more sensitive to the various situations and people He has positioned around me.

The GPS Life Journey helped me to understand, focus, sharpen and utilize all my unique God given personality traits, skills, gifts, and passions.  Then I was able to take that knowledge and answer the question, "God, now what and why?"

I now understand why God gave me a 3-octave voice, a six-foot frame, and a platform to perform for literally thousands of influential people each year.  It was not just for me to provide entertainment for the wealthy, pay my own bills, and enjoy a little bit of notoriety. Instead, it was to be a bold and faithful influence to my audiences of the grace and mercy of JEVOHAH God and persuade them to be reconciled to Him through His Son, Jesus the Christ.  Over the years He has provided amazing avenues of influence for me. (From sometimes reaching thousands via newspaper articles, concerts, and "fan mail" to intimate one on one conversations with wardrobe designers.)

My personal relationship with Jesus has grown drastically since applying everything I have learned in the GPS Life Journey and it has also helped me see how others fit into God's plan.  (How I wish my husband and I had taken this course 19 years ago, as it would have saved us from many arguments … but that's an entire other thesis.)

The GPS life journey has helped me to know myself and what I am to do while on this earth.  I now look forward to the day, with hope, when God will say to me “Well done good and faithful servant,” when I complete all He has planned for me to do while here on earth.