Discovering Gold!
Before I discovered the fascinating characteristics of different
personality types, I was ready to fire some excellent, very effective
team members. I was the Staff Coordinator of the First Baptist Church of
Atlanta, Georgia, and had the responsibility for leading several
ministry department leaders. Some of them had a serious problem. They
were not like me! To be different from me was to be unneeded. I thought
everyone should think, act, and function like me. (Now that would be a
really sad world!)
These individuals did not march to the beat of my
drums. They were not intense. They were not focused. Therefore, they had
to be lazy.
Then, “eureka!” I was introduced to the study of personality types. My
leadership, and I might add, my level of effectiveness as a leader, have
never been the same since. Now, I never attempt to lead, or even serve
as a member of a team, without seeking to discover and understand the
various personality types of each team member.
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