Friday, July 29, 2016

We have talked extensively about the fact that God
has a purpose, a mission, for everyone. You are here
on this earth, and not in heaven, because God desires
to be glorified through your life as you fulfill His
mission for your life. Do you know what that mission
is? Are you actively engaged in pursuing that
mission? The GPS Life Journey will assist you in

discovering that mission and propel you on your life 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey Experiences Assessment. 
Answering the following questions will help you identify life experiences that can be used effectively in future ministry.
1. What are the educational experiences you have had? Include school, special training, and apprenticeships?
2. What are the vocational experiences you have had? Include fields of experience, types of work, and jobs?
3. What are the ministry experiences you have had? Include positions, roles, and types of ministries?
4. What are the cross-­‐cultural experiences you have had? Include relationships and missions experiences?
5. What are the painful experiences of life you have had, such as health issues, broken relationships, and financial problems?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey's Greatest Passions Evaluation
In the following list, check all the causes for which you have great passion. Then choose the top five to ten and number them in priority order.
__ Addiction __ Business Seminars/Training __ Child Abuse __ Children __ Christian Education
__ Church Planting __ Crime Prevention __ Cross Cultural Environments __ Discipleship __ Distribution of Scriptures __ Domestic Abuse __ Education __ Entertainment Industry __ Environmental Issues __ Ethical Issues  __ Evangelism __ Financial Counseling/Training __ Fund Raising __ Government/Politicians __ Handicapped __ Health and Sanitation __ High/Middle School Students __ Homelessness __ Human Trafficking __ Hunger __ Immigrants/Migrants __ Inner City Ministry __ Local Benevolence __ Marriage and Family __ Medical __ Mobilizing People __ Orphans
__ Preschoolers __ Prisoners __ Poverty __ Singles __ Training Church Leaders __ University Students __ Worship __ Seniors/Widows/Shut-­Ins __ World Missions __ Young Adults __ Other __

Friday, July 8, 2016

“Opportunity Cost” is a two words phrase.  So far, we have been focusing on “cost,” now let us consider the “opportunity.”  The opportunity available to every Christian is to discover and engage in God’s purposes for their lives.  Every one of us was created with a destiny in mind.  We know from Ephesians 2:10 that God made plans for us even before we were born.

Listen.  Here that tapping on the front door of your soul?  That is God’s opportunity and He wants you to open the door.  Yes, there are costs and they may be uncomfortable for a time, but the immeasurable satisfaction of discovering and engaging in what you were put on this earth to do will make it all worth it.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Take the GPS Life Journey Abilities Inventory
From the list of abilities and skills below, choose the top five to ten things that you enjoy and/or are good at doing. Then, number in priority order each of the abilities chosen.

___ Advertising ___ Analyzing ___ Building ___ Coaching ___ Coordinating ___ Counseling
___ Creating ___ Decorating ___ Defending ___ Delegating ___ Designing ___ Encouraging
___ Enlisting ___ Equipping ___ Evaluating ___ Fixing ___ Implementing ___ Improving
___ Influencing ___ Leading ___ Maintaining ___ Managing ___ Marketing ___ Mentoring
___ Operating ___ Organizing ___ Perfecting ___ Performing ___ Persuading ___ Planning
___ Pioneering ___ Recruiting ___ Repairing ___ Researching ___ Restoring ___ Selling
___ Serving ___ Socializing ___ Speaking ___ Starting ___ Strategizing ___ Teaching
___ Training ___ Tutoring ___ Writing ___Other_____