Friday, May 27, 2016

Out of the Mouths of Babes
When my son was three years old, he loved to build things with wooden blocks.  One day, on observing one of his creations, I complemented him on his architecture.  He responded by saying, “One day I want to build building with my name on it so people will have something to remember me by.”  After I picked myself off the floor, I marveled how a three year old could have such a sense of destiny and legacy since we never discussed such topics.  (Oh, wait a minute…no, that was quantum physics not destiny and legacy!)   Interestingly, Jonathan’s career has not included building architecture, but instead, human architecture.  He serves on the pastoral staff of a large San Francisco church.
Reflecting on that unusual conversation, I understood that what we will do in life and how we will be remembered is something that is deep within our DNA.  Life drives us to want to do something that is truly significant for others.

Friday, May 20, 2016

What special abilities do you posses?  
Abilities include both natural talents/aptitudes that you may have and special skills or knowledge you may have acquired. An example of a natural talent is playing the piano by ear. An example of a special skill is playing the piano by reading the notes.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Descriptions of the Four Basic Personality Types

Dominance (D)
Common Characteristics:

 I am action-oriented. I like to be in motion.
 I make quick decisions. I analyze data quickly and decide.
 I like a challenge. I can solve difficult problems.
 I am forceful and strong-willed. I push my agenda.
 I lead others to get the job done. I am a good team leader.
 I am very competitive. There is a goal for everything.
 I can take the heat. I do not mind conflict.

Environment Needed:
 I like direct answers, bottom-line information. Get to the point.
 I flourish with a wide range of responsibilities and multiple tasks.
 I need authority to function and to take action.
 Controls and restrictions slow me down and hinder progress.
 Challenges and changes motivate me.
 I am task oriented so I need to work with “people” persons.
 I need to pace myself and relax more.

Influence (I)
Common Characteristics:

 I am enthusiastic and energetic. I am full of life.
 I love fun and laughter. I am a party person.
 I have good ideas. I am creative and innovative.
 I can influence, inspire and motivate others to action.
 I like to talk. I love to express my thoughts.
 I want to work with others, not alone.
 I am spontaneous and impulsive. I make quick decisions.

Environment Needed:
 I appreciate public recognition of ability. I like the spotlight.
 I want freedom of expression. I dislike having to follow a pattern.
 I function better with freedom from control and details.
 I need opportunities to talk and express my opinions.
 I love an enthusiastic, fun atmosphere.
 I function better with coaching from “task” persons.
 I need to be held accountable for responsibilities.

Steadiness (S)
Common Characteristics:
 I am warm and relational. I am a “people” person.
 I am a good follower and team player, but am hesitant to lead.
 I do not like a lot of change. I like stability and security.
 I do not like conflict and try to avoid it at all costs.
 I love to serve others and am fulfilled in doing so.
 I am a good listener. I like to have others talk.
 I am a good friend. I am supportive and encouraging.

Environment Needed:
 I need a stable, secure environment.
 I like sincere appreciation expressed privately.
 I like to identify with a group of people.
 I need minimal conflict and strife.
 I function better with standard procedures and processes.
 I need help in accepting changes and new procedures.
 I need encouragement to grow, as I like the status quo.

Conscientiousness (C)
Common Characteristics:
 I am a perfectionist. I want things done right.
 I am focused on being accurate and consistent.
 I seek to do excellent work without mistakes.
 I am not outgoing most of the time. I am “task” oriented.
 I love weighing pros and cons and considering all possibilities.
 I want a deliberate, systematic approach.
 I move slowly and need time to make decisions.

Environment Needed:
 I prefer an organized, businesslike atmosphere.
 I have questions and need answers to my questions.
 I want a controlled environment with proper processes.
 I like opportunities to use my special skills.
 I need performance expectations and standards.
 I like consistent feedback on my performance.
 I need encouragement to be flexible as I am very structured.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Guidelines for Developing Good Relationships and Effective Teamwork
  1. Know who you are. Seek to understand your personality, your strengths and your weaknesses.
  2. Relate to others and lead from your strengths. Do what you are good at doing.
  3. Resist the tendency of functioning in areas of your weaknesses.
  4. Learn the personality types of others with whom you are closely associated.
  5. Relate to and lead others based on the kind of environment they need to be successful.
  6. See the value added by every person. View others in terms of their strengths, not their weaknesses.
  7. Become a champion of everyone’s strengths. Let them function in areas of their strengths.
  8. Avoid the temptation to stereotype others based on their personalities alone.
  9. Understand that different is good, not bad. Everyone should not be like you.
  10. Build a team with a balance of all personality types, as all are needed to function effectively.
  11. Where possible assign responsibilities based on personality and total personal profile.
  12. Be available to complement others’ weaknesses with your strengths or the strengths of other team members.