Friday, February 26, 2016

Kingdom Mobilization and The GPS Life Journey have gone global. Kingdom Mobilization Movements and GPS Life Journey Small Groups are taking place in Ghana, Nigeria, Canada, India, South Africa, China and Russia. Additionally, we have enlisted mobilization leaders and have begun movements in numerous US cities.

Mission: The sole purpose of Kingdom Mobilization is to help YOU discover and fulfill God’s purposes for the next stage of YOUR life.

Friday, February 19, 2016

God had a plan for you before you were born!
I believe that God has a special purpose for each of us for which we have been uniquely equipped. We learn this in the Bible in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Most followers of Jesus Christ are familiar with Ephesians 2:8-9, where Paul declares we receive the salvation of God by grace through faith. Yet most followers of Christ are not familiar with Ephesians 2:10, which tells us, “We are the workmanship of Jesus Christ, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We are created to carry out these good works that God prepared for us, even before we were born!
You are special! God uniquely shaped you for a special purpose – His purpose for your life. No one is here on earth by accident. Each of us is placed on earth by the providence of an Almighty God, who creates and sustains everyone and everything.
“Well, I’m not so sure I can buy into that,” you may be thinking.
“If God has a purpose for my life, why do I often have a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness?”
Maybe it is because you, like the vast majority of other individuals in the world, have not discovered God’s special purpose for your life.
Some people try to find a sense of significance and fulfillment in doing everything. They volunteer for every opportunity and/or say yes to every request for service. Sadly, they not only still feel unfulfilled, they also feel very tired.- Nolen Rollins

Friday, February 12, 2016

GPS Life Journey Story: Don Gunther (Former Executive of Global Corporation) 

I was fortunate to have a significant level of business success throughout the world.  I spent 40 years with the Bechtel Group, the world's leading engineering and construction firm.  We worked in 120 countries, engineering and building some the most complicated and largest structures that were ever constructed.  In the later stage of my career, the Engineer and, Construction Society awarded me the best executive award for the 1990's.  When I retired
I was Vice Chairman and was responsible for all of our business units around the world.  I thoroughly enjoyed my career with Bechtel.

I tried retirement with the big house and the big boat but soon realized I needed to contribute back more.  With some friends, I got heavily involved with the Naples Wine Festival and we raised over 100 million dollars for the local charities emphasizing help for the abused and abandoned children. In 2009, I also joined the board of the Immokalee Foundation which helps the impoverished migrant children of Immokalee, Florida to improve their education and help them find a suitable career plan and a job.

Although I was contributing my leadership time to my golf club and my community association and to two other non-profits, I still felt something was missing. That's when a friend introduced me to the GPS Life Journey.  It all started with a question to me that asked me if I knew why God put me on this earth. The GPS Journey helped me focus on the skills I had and how I might use them to help others and increase my impact in the world.  It helped me evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and through it, I began to identify where God would like to use me.

Coupled with my commitments to my family, I felt called to accept the Chairmanship of the Immokalee Foundation.  I have been working at this for the past year and I think we have improved the organization focus and are improving the chance of success for about 800 children.

The GPS Life Journey was very significant in my finding and fulfilling my life purpose.

Friday, February 5, 2016

God has a plan for you!
God has a plan for your life! Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV) This word of hope came to the people of God in the midst of their darkest hour – Babylonian captivity after the destruction of their homes and homeland.
Notice at least four very important facts in this scripture.

·        God has a plan for you.
·        God knows His plan for you.
·        God’s plan is for your good, not to harm you.
·        God’s plan for you is to give you hope and a future.

God knows His plan and purpose for your life. Do you? If you do not, I have good news. You can know His purpose for your life. You cannot invent His purpose. You cannot dream up His purpose. You can discover
His purpose as he reveals it to you. God not only knows His Purpose for your life, He wants you to know it and to fulfill it. As a matter of fact, that is why He put you here! - Nolen Rollins